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A possible proof of God's existence


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Well, in the spirit of the previous post, I can say that if the conflict in Israel escalates and Israel loses its independence, then my conspiracy theory will prove to be a real fact. Even if many—or most people, if not absolutely everyone except me, consider that the loss of Israel's independence would prove that God does not exist, I dare say that, on the contrary, it would serve as evidence of His existence.

As I mentioned in the previous video, how can one call themselves the people of God while discriminating against other nationalities? How can one believe they are above others? How can one elevate themselves to the status of a man of God, especially considering that the Jewish authorities and the predominantly Jewish population of Jerusalem condemned Jesus and chose to release a criminal? i mean, you kill the son of God and you call yourself the people of God.

You may call me racist, but if we analyze the Bible with which every Christian is indoctrinated, who are the real racists and discriminatory?

In my Hypothetical Scenario in which tensions escalate in Israel, and Israel Loses her independency as a country, this los will have concequences

and severe Religious Implications.

Some within the Jewish faith may interpret the loss as a significant theological event, possibly leading to increased messianic fervor. This could involve a reevaluation of the Jewish understanding of the Land of Israel and divine protection.

For certain Christian groups, this scenario may challenge their beliefs regarding the fulfillment of biblical prophecies associated with Israel.

The outcome could be framed within Islamic narratives as a divine triumph over oppression, potentially galvanizing support for groups like Hamas and Hezbollah.

The implications of the war's outcome could exacerbate sectarian divides within Islam, particularly if Iranian influence grows in the aftermath.

The fallout from the war could impact interfaith dialogues, as communities grapple with the consequences of conflict and differing interpretations of religious texts related to the land and its significance.

So, if you are not aware that my ideas are purely speculative I'm telling you that this is a conspiracy theory. It’s important to understand that these thoughts are not grounded in established facts but rather reflect a personal interpretation of events and beliefs.

Conspiracy theories often arise from complex situations and I like to be challenge like that.


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